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Experts in Organizational Structures

In Experthya we are passionate about collaborating with corporations that want to have excellent information products for Organizational Structures.

Additionally, we provide specialized solutions/services for digital adoption and variable compensation management.

Analytical Organizational Charts - Examples

Organigramas Analíticos
Equidad Salarial de Género
Desempeño y Potencial
Conteos con Fotos
Days in Office
Costeos de Area

Click on the chart of your interest to enlarge

En el trabajo

What is the problem?

There are a couple of paradigms in the collective mind of HR professionals regarding Organizational Charts.

The first is that business systems do this automatically and nothing additional work is required. This is only partially true. While almost all ERPs and payroll systems have structure viewers, the weak point is that these viewers cannot be customized and the format of the structures is not what some specialized teams need.

The second paradigm is that once the limitations of the ERP are accepted, the specialized areas of compensation, structure or planning have to make the graphics using manual drawing tools such as (PowerPoint®, Visio® or similar). This leads to countless hours of working on box-by-box drawings, multiple files, version management, and other complications.

Our Value Offer

The technological solutions distributed by Experthya help its clients to obtain customized graphics of impressive quality or variable compensation calculations , with practically no manual intervention!

These solutions connect to a data source (either the ERP itself, a database or a simple text file) and perform calculations using the calculation rules you defined or update the graph based on a fully customizable template in terms of dimensions, format, arrangement, colors, etc.

They process everything from small areas or groups of employees to tens of thousands of them. All in SECONDS!

Contact us today for a free demo.

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Image by John Schnobrich
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